“A mind that trusts itself is light on its feet”
Many say the first step is the most difficult. With not knowing where to go, starting anew is frightening. Feeling lost is one of life’s many roadblocks. Heck, I still use Google Maps to nav me to the local Philz Coffee.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a Google Maps for everything. No guidance for life, goals, dreams, etc. Let us consider the matrix; what if there wasn’t Maps at all? Would you still try to find your way to a Mint Mojito? Insert Stone Cold’s “Give me a hell yeah”.
That’s the feeling I had starting this blog. Beside a few loosely tied ideas, there is no map nor guidance. The feeling of lost begins to settle. Even so, I’ve embraced that what is most important is my craving for that damn Mint Mojito. That craving fueled my drive, my belief that I can find my way to Philz - map or no map, That very same belief applies here.
A mind that trusts itself is light on its feet. WIth the first step now behind us, pause. Before you finally realize it: You have arrived at Philz.
Hell yeah.